Katsuyama Ken Junmai Ginjo

Region: Miyagi

Profile: So-shu

Grade: Junmai Ginjo

Brewery: Katsuyama

Gentle and refined aromas with a well-rounded flavor. Smooth and slightly dry with a quick and acidic finish. Aged for 6 months after bottling, giving it complexity and character. Katsuyama has made high-end sake for the nobleman since 1688, and was founded by the famous military commander and samurai, Date Masamune. “Ken” means to “present a gift”.

  • SMV +4
  • ABV 16%
  • Rice Type: Yamada Nishiki Seimaibuai 50%
  • Available Sizes: 720ml

Where to Buy:

Kata Robata Mandala Tei An

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